Welcome to the South African Institute of Stockbrokers
The South African Institute of Stockbrokers is the industry and professional body for the South African financial markets.
About Us
Professional Body for the Financial Markets
The South African Institute of Stockbrokers (SAIS) is the professional body for stockbrokers and other financial markets professionals. It not only represents members but is also the industry representative. The role of the SAIS is to set and maintain the qualification standards for stockbrokers and other financial markets professionals. Ensuring that professionals have the requisite knowledge and skills is a further aim, as is ensuring that knowledge and skills remain current and relevant. As the voice for industry, the SAIS has a responsibility to ensure that perspectives and opinions of the broader financial markets industry are considered when commenting and interacting with the regulators and government. The guiding principles of the SAIS are:
- Protect the public;
- Maintain public confidence in the profession; and.
- Uphold proper standards of conduct in the profession.
The SAIS is committed to transformation of the Financial Markets Industry, both demographically and from a regulatory perspective. This commitment to transformation will help ensure a fairer and more equitable environment. This is effected through the categories of membership and multiple designations. Amongst others, the services and scope of activities provided by the SAIS are the following:
- Public fora that facilitate the consideration and discussion of matters relating to the Industry and Professions;
- Research into the reform of legislation and policy developments within the Financial Markets Industry, with due cognisance of the national development agenda for South Africa;
- The implementation of and support for educational programmes;
- The development and implementation of standards for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) of the professionals working in the Industry as well as the provision, recording and monitoring of CPD; and
- The development and enforcement of a Code of Conduct and the promotion of ethical behaviour and professionalism in the Financial Markets.
The SAIS Launches its Soon to be Endorsed JSE Financial Markets Professional Regulatory Recognition (FMPRR) Exams

The SAIS provides for corporate as well as individual membership. In addition, there are two categories of membership Affiliate and Associate.
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Becoming a Stockbroker
The role of a Stockbroker job is to manage the financial portfolio of clients who could be individuals or organisations.
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Continuous Professional Development
CPD is continuous learning in order to retain and improve the levels of competency that are required for professional practice.
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Latest News
The SAIS publishes periodical industry updates as well as other articles of interest related to the South African and global financial markets.
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This is a reminder that membership fees are due by the 31st of January 2025.
Kindly note that our website is currently under construction.